Wiki So Far

So far in our class Wiki, I have contributed to two sections. I added a paragraph under the section of “dance trends.” I included a popular dance called The shiggy challenge or also known as do the shiggy. This was created by a social media comedian on Instagram. Many celebrities participated in this dance and posted it on Instagram tagging Shiggy. The second paragraph I contributed is YouTube. YouTube is one of my favorite websites and I spend most of the spare time watching videos on YouTube. I added under the section of “vlogging.” The ACE Family is one of the most popular vloggers on YouTube. They are now a family of four and they record their lives for more than 13 million people to watch. I also made some minor grammar corrections.


  1. Hey Annie! I also enjoy spending my time on YouTube. I'm looking forward to reading your section under this topic. Also, I've never heard of "The Shiggy Challenge" so I'm very curious to read about that too.


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