
Privacy and confidentiality are a concern on social media. Yes, it is a good way of venting, ranting, sharing, and expressing our thoughts and opinions. However, it is causing a risk of our own security of privacy. According to the article “Facebook privacy is so confusing even the Zuckerberg family photo isn’t private” it stated that there is no need to hide something on social media because everything can be shared and re-shared today. You can delete the photo off your profile but it doesn’t mean nobody saw it. For instance, Zuckerberg’s photo may no longer exist on Callie Schweitzer’s Twitter feed, but Buzzfeed still posted it on its website. Once you decide to share yourself with social media, it will forever be on social media. everything on social media is public and it is dangerous to have too much of your information floating around the media.


  1. Great Point. This just reminds me to be extra conscious when posting on social media. Privacy is very important and everyone should take note of this!

  2. Hi Annie,
    I agree with you that when a person decides to share something online, there will always be a history of it. I also included the article you mentioned above in my paper to discuss how you cannot control what people do with your information after you post them online. I think this is a huge risk to people's privacy if they are not aware of the consequences of their action. Therefore, people should be mindful on what they publish online.


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